Laika Cut

Like sand running from my fingers, I felt Laika fall out of my prospects. This has me down for a couple of reasons.
One being that I have had my eye on this company for awhile and I only have heard great things about it and the wonderful work they do and I only wanted to live here in Portland to be a part of it. However, today I have been told that I don't fit in. And I'm at a loss of how to convince them otherwise.

I'm also down because of the nonchalant way that I was let down. I had all my hope out on the table and Roland came into the store. I worked the courage up to say hello to him and he seemed relieved he finally had a good chance to tell me that there was nothing he could find that I could do within his animation dept. I kept a smiling face and he said he would "pass along" my stuff. Meanwhile, my heart had fallen onto the carpet.

It's not that the Mac Store is a bad fit for me in general, but idea that I have to look at it as being a more permanent workplace for me is almost too much to bear. When will my time come? How can someone like Roland come in and talk about CHANCES and then just brush me off? My self-being is down today.