Doom Town and I broke my camera

CG: So I went to a rockin fashion show called Doom Town and it was rather low budget but entertaining in the least! I was hoping to get some wedding dress ideas of sorts when i dropped my camera in the crowd. With a drink in my other hand, I managed to collect the memory card and battery that fell out. When reassembled, it didn't turn on. Then the event started. The styles were made of cheap fabrics and second hand clothing, but some of the ideas gave me inspiration to draw some things later on...

In the meantime there is a rockin' boutique in Newtown, a million miles away, that has incredibly stylin' and inspiring designs!! I am aiming for this lovely green number with the feathers. I have my own mods planned for it in my head.

As for my camera, it dried up after falling in someones drink on the floor I believe, and it works now. It had better! I've had this camera for years! At least 4! Kodak needs to recieve some sort of award for that!