Settling in

Just a short entry to let you all know how I'm settling in. I already have a US bank account and a cell phone, although the phone has had to be put in Christine's name as I don't have a Social Security number yet.

A Social Security number, or simply "your Social", is such an amazingly integral part of life here. There's so much you just cannot do without one. The Australian Tax File Number pales into insignificance compared the Social and everyone has theirs completely memorised... Christine reels hers off without hesitation whenever asked.

Christine's little studio apartment is fitting both of us quite well at the moment as it has a surprisingly large amount of storage, but we've already started looking for a bigger place. We viewed an apartment on Wednesday (my first full day in the US!!) but it was pretty dreadful and the landlord was one of those people who would be in your face every second day... not what we're after at all! When Christine goes back to work on Monday, I'll start looking for some other options. We're not in a great hurry to get out of here, but if somewhere good comes up we'll definitely take it!